Three Years of EAA's Young Acousticians Network in Social Media


Science communication and interaction with the broader research community have become increasingly important over the last years. Social media, hereby, has become an essential tool. In recent years, acoustic organizations have also started using social media within their communities. In this work, the board of the EAA’s Young Acousticians Network (YAN) shares their experience and thoughts on using various social media platforms (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Discord) to build an international, online, self-organized community where people could stay informed about job offers and events and share their knowledge and expertise. Different social media platforms are used for different purposes, and insights from the analytic data acquired from them are used to better understand the needs of the community.

[Invited contribution to structured session] Forum Acusticum (September 11-15), Torino, Italy
Karin Loh
Karin Loh
Open for new challenges and interesting topics

I am a creative and analytical problem solver with proven abilities to successfully manage interdisciplinary and cross-functional projects and teams within international context.