A concept to evaluate activity-based acoustic settings in preschools for children aged three to six


Describing common noise patterns caused by different activities and situations in educational buildings is a complex topic. First categorizations of activities have been developed for primary schools addressing children starting from the age of six. They were based on the teacher-to-children-communication pathways or the teaching activity, such as math class versus music lessons. Until now, preschools and, thus, children younger than six have been rarely examined in previous literature. This study seeks to investigate activities in preschools for the age group of three-to six-year-olds and discusses a categorization of activity patterns concerning the educators-to-children interaction and communication pathways. For this, acoustic measurements were conducted in preschools. Differences in selected noise descriptors (e.g., sound pressure level and psychoacoustic parameters) were explored and discussed with respect to the proposed categorization. Furthermore, this study focuses on adding children’s points of view into the evaluation by integrating effects assessed using a child head and torso simulator.

In Proceedings of the 52nd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering. [Invited contribution to structured session] Inter-noise 2023 Conference (August 20-23, 2019), Chiba, Greater Tokyo, Japan
Karin Loh
Karin Loh
Open for new challenges and interesting topics

I am a creative and analytical problem solver with proven abilities to successfully manage interdisciplinary and cross-functional projects and teams within international context.